Fair housing for all
Cade Pankonin 2 years ago


Since the company’s inception, EXIT Realty Corp. International has stood on a firm foundation in the belief that everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to live.

Corporate philanthropy is built into EXIT’s business model and for many years, the company partnered with Habitat for Humanity International, fully sponsoring nearly 20 decent and affordable Habitat homes, participated in the Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project both in the U.S. and Canada, and transformed a c...
Tap into your inner GPS
Cade Pankonin 2 years ago


By Tami Bonnell, CEO, EXIT Realty Corp. International

During research for a talk, I discovered that humans have a kind of inner GPS.  We’re all familiar with the global positioning system that helps us drive from point A to point B, but we also have an internal GPS; an inner goal producing system. It works like this: The closer we are to our core values, the more self discipline and passion we have. Then when we align our core values with our dreams and a realistic action plan, we end up with...
EXIT Realty Reaches $6 Million Paid to Administrative Professionals
Cade Pankonin 2 years ago

by exitrealty

The heartbeat of a successful real estate office is its administrative professional staff.  They are the plate-spinners and the glue that holds the operation together.   When EXIT Realty’s Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, was constructing the company’s business model, he felt so strongly about the invaluable contribution of a brokerage’s support staff, he built right into the EXIT Formula a provision to pay them an annual bonus as a special thank you.  To-date, the company has...
More than $750,000 Paid in Beneficiary Benefits by EXIT Realty Corp. International
Cade Pankonin 2 years ago
  by exitrealty

Joni Alexander is just one of many people receiving beneficiary benefits because their loved one made the decision to join EXIT Realty.   “Every single time a check comes it’s just a moment to think of <my mother> and thank the Lord for her and that her legacy can continue in some way. It was a surprise, a gift, and more than just the money. To me, it continues to honor her, and all that the business meant to her, and all that she put into it,” she said.

EXIT Realty’s unique b...
Steve Morris: Reflections on EXIT’s 25th Year
Cade Pankonin 2 years ago

By Steve Morris, Founder and Chairman, EXIT Realty Corp. International

I’ve been in real estate 45 years this year.  In my early days as a sales rep, I knew what it was like to put three deals together in one night and that sinking feeling of a double-ender falling through.  As an agent and later as a manager, I spent time road testing what worked and what didn’t and discovered my passion of teaching selling to salespeople rather than selling products to customers.

Real estate is a human busine...
500 Miracle Mornings
Cade Pankonin 2 years ago

by Susan Harrison, Senior Vice President, EXIT Realty Corp. International

Five hundred days ago, I started a 30-day challenge to complete Hal Elrod’s daily Miracle Morning SAVERS routine. 

I first read about the Miracle Morning in a Facebook post written by Nick Libert, the Broker/Owner of EXIT Strategy Realty in Chicago, who wrote about how the routine helped him prepare to run a marathon. After listening to the book a couple of times on Audible, I decided to try the 30-day challenge myself....
EXIT Ad Center Named Best in Class by Facebook
Cade Pankonin 3 years ago

EXIT Ad Center Named Best in Class by Facebook

By exitrealty / March 30, 2021


After fewer than 18 months since its launch, EXIT Realty Corp. International’s EXIT Ad Center was recently named Best in Class by Facebook.

More than 15 million impressions and more than 50,000 leads have been delivered through EXIT’s enterprise relationship with the social media giant.  The partnership means EXIT has insight into their algorithms that aren’t available through native Facebook advertising, resulting...
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