EXIT Realty Upper Midwest 7 years ago

Join Steve Morris for the 2015 EXIT Realty Convention in Nashville. Each and every one of us is in a constant state of growing. There is a lot of building and stabilizing that takes place. Join EXIT Realty Corp. International Founder and Chairman, as he describes how hard work creates psychological calluses and how we create those beneficial calluses by reinforcing ideas like hammering nails into wood. You've got to keep hammering. Sometimes you?re a million miles away from what you really wan...
EXIT Realty Upper Midwest 7 years ago

An up close and personal interview with Steve Morris, EXIT Realty's Founder & Chairman, discussing the revolutionary EXIT Formula.

EXIT Realty Upper Midwest 7 years ago

Watch as our Founder and Chairman, Steve Morris, uses the metaphor of the bull fighting arena to illustrate how each of us, at one time or another in our lives, has been the matador, the picador or the bull.

EXIT Realty Upper Midwest 7 years ago

Steve Morris, Founder and Chairman of EXIT Realty Corp. International, shares an up close and personal interview on the evolution of EXIT Realty and the company's revolutionary and unique business model known as the EXIT Formula. EXIT Realty is truly real estate reinvented!

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