Industry trend-watcher Stefan Swanepoel recently announced a ranking of the most powerful women executives in the residential real estate industry, naming EXIT Realty Corp. International CEO Tami Bonnell among the top 10.

Tami Bonnell leads with her heart. As an internationally renowned speaker and 30-plus-year veteran of the real estate industry, she is an information junkie and passionate about people. Tami is an active member of the National Women’s Council of REALTORS®, NAWRB’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council, and was honored by STEMconnector® as one of its 100 Corporate Women Leaders in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Instrumental in building three major brands, she joined EXIT Realty Corp. International in 1999 and was appointed CEO in 2012.

Benjamin Disraeli said, “The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” Tami is a leader whose personal ‘why’ is to reveal to people their own riches, skills, and talents. She has a heart-first attitude and unwavering confidence that when a company invests in its people first, profit will follow.

“The success of a company is measured by the caliber of its people,” she says. “EXIT Realty is a company founded and built on human potential.”

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